The proportion of sales by house type

For this month's market update, we've decided to take a look at what percentage of total sales each house type accounts for each quarter. Whilst it doesn't show the actual number of sales, it's very useful for seeing what each property type is contributing to the total level of transactions. It also permits year-on-year comparisons, which negate the impact of seasonality.
Local property prices vs region & country
This chart shows how prices in the local area compare with those in the region and the national picture. Given our geographical position relative to the national economic centre of gravity, the relative price levels are what we'd expect.

Local tenure patterns

The mix of tenure of properties is a substantial
yardstick of the attributes of homes in a local market. One of the best parts of the planning system in the UK is that social housing is heavily mixed in with the private stock so we don't get large geographical divides between people as is the case in urban France. This also shows how many people are renting, which has gone up nearly everywhere in the last ten years